The Olympic Cushion Project is now starting

After the success of the Weymouth Knitted Carnival Project -The 'Let's make It' community project - is continuing it's creative venture & encouraging groups & individuals all over Weymouth & Portland to participate in a new exciting project, making cushions for the

'OLYMPIC CUSHION PROJECT' – for more information please visit our new Blog by clicking here Olympic cushion Project Blog

If you would like more information regarding 'Let's Make It' You are able to contact me via my website -
or on my mobile 07814698685

About Me

I am a visual artist living in Weymouth. I am passionate about the link between creativity and well-being, and use my art as a tool for expression and distraction. You can view more about me on my website:

Saturday 23 April 2011

I've had another busy week, which started with knitting an octopus from a bath mitt pattern and a couple of fish. After rescuing a dropped stitch or two, stuffing and giving them googly eyes, I think they turned out quite well! They certainly got the OK from all who attended my workshop at the Park Centre on Monday afternoon. I'd like to thank all who helped create the hive of activity that lasted all afternoon.

Individuals of all ages, from novice to more
experienced makers shared ideas and skills, some
chose wool and patterns to take home to try
whilst others stayed to chat, knit, crochet
and stitch.

This crab was made in speedy time and completed by the end of the workshop. It is created by cutting sections from a woollen jumper and stitching them around stencils which have been padded out a little to give more shape. The legs are cut from felted material.

This piece of sea weed was crocheted from spare wool and was also completed on the day.
I'm already looking forward to making with you all at the next workshop.

On Thursday the Park Centre Craft Group invited me to give a quick talk about the 'Let's Make it' project' and I'm delighted that many are now involved and busy knitting etc.
They kindly welcome any individuals who would like to go along to their group on Thursdays 10 - 12am to make items for the float.

High flyers

High flyers
Knitted Seagulls .. Incredible!!